第 18 章(2 / 5)
b)So advice to you would be, deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of ries. 我建议你,在回忆的户口里存入大量快乐。 07【intelliible】 Adj.可理解的,明白易懂的 a)As the spronounced and barely intelliible words were draed out of hi he beca instant prey for his classtes. 因为他的发音不准且很难从他的嘴巴里吐出清楚的字眼来,他马上就成了同学们欺负的对象。 b)He used so ny archais(古语) in his speech that half of it was barely intelliible. 他对人说话,总是满口之乎者也,教人半懂不懂的。 08【wan】 Adj.苍白的,病弱的,阴暗的 V.(使)苍白病态 a)My wan tetress, your hand is as cold as a dead fish. 我苍白的爱人,你的手冷得像一条死鱼。(《亚当斯一家》) b)In a wild ravine hih in the Carpathian Mountains, wan liht diffused throuh yellowin leaves shows a anderin(曲折的,曲折小路) forest path. 在喀尔巴阡高山上的一处蛮荒的深谷里,透过正在枯黄的树叶照射下来的苍白的阳光照亮了一条羊肠小道。 09【rotesque】 N./Adj.奇形怪状(的),荒诞不经(的) a)So people are keen on collectin rotesque ite. 有些人热衷于收集怪异的物品。(雅思口语例句里的前半句,后面是such as,因为举的例子确实很rotesque我就不写了...) b)In readin this novel, we feel as if located in the rotesque thical or fairy world and derive boundless joy froit. 读小说,我们仿佛置身于一个光怪陆离的神话或童话世界,增添了无限的乐趣。 10【ratify】 V.使满足,使高兴 a)In consur culture, we are constantly conditioned to ratify our iulses iediately: buy, eat, watch, click- now. 在消费文化中,我们不断地被训练去立即满足我们的冲动——购物,吃饭,看电影,现在就点击。 c)These purchases, which are not for practical needs, but rely to show off and ratify the owners\'''' vanity, are called \"face consutions\" . 这类消费行为不是为了实际需要,而是出于炫耀和满足“面子”的目的,因此被称为“面子消费”。 11【superfluous】 Adj.多余的,不必要的,奢侈的 a)Let you and I, too, refrain(避免,节制) frosayin words that are perhaps correct but superfluous , and sily be quiet for a few seconds. 所有的语言,即使是正确的,在此时此刻都显得有点多余,就让我们静静地默哀几秒钟吧。 b)The lust for the superfluous is folly(荒唐), for it has no bounds. 贪欲过多就是愚蠢,因为欲望无穷无尽。 ↑返回顶部↑