第 18 章(1 / 5)
2023.07.15 * 01【suon】 V.召唤,传讯,招降 a)Decapitate these nks, then we’ll suon rain. 只要杀了这几个和尚,我等自会施法求雨。(《西游记》“斗法降三怪”那集) b)She lay relaxed for a nt, tryin to suon aner to her aid, tryin to draw on her strenth. 她静静地躺了一会,想借怒气来支撑自己,同时汲取一点力量。 02【prairie】 N.大草原,牧场 a)You don\''''t count the nuer of horses horse, prairie and see to be the rnin st shrouded river. 你还没有数清马的匹数,大草原又似乎成了晨雾缭绕的江面。 b)There was a prairie was in front of where the liht reen weed were dotted with red and white flowers. 我前面横着一片草原,新绿中点缀了红白色的花朵。 03【incessant】 Adj.不断的,连续的 a)In pocket, that photoraph pulsed with an incessant force: I understood that it had beco heart. 在我的口袋里,那张照片以持续不断的力量搏动着:我明白它已经成了我的心脏。 b)Physical wretchedness and the incessant anticipation of horrible nihts had not allowed hiti to think of anythin so abstract as death. □□的痛苦和夜里的不是失眠便是梦魇不容他想到死亡那样抽象的事。 04【pillar】 N.柱子,栋梁 V.用柱支撑 a)My father is a pillar of the counity. 我父亲是社区的顶梁柱。 b)There is a pillar that pacifies(V.使平静,安慰平定) the oceans.The Tide Control Pillar is about six thousand eiht hundred kilos. 在我这个海藏里,有一块定海神针。这定海神针有一万三千五百斤重量。(《西游记》英译) 05【vault】 N.穹隆,保险库,金库,地下室 V.跳跃 a)This rete island at the top of the world is ho to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault (colloquially known as \"The Dooday Vault\" ). 这个在地球顶部的偏远小岛正是斯瓦尔巴全球种子库(通俗来说就是世界末日时的诺亚方舟)。 b)The Great Wall winds its way up and down the untains like a iant draon, disappearin into the vault of heavens. 长城巨龙般地在群山中蜿蜒起伏,消失在天穹中。 06【deposit】 V./N.储蓄存钱,寄存,放置,沉淀,定金 a)I can find the suitable apartnt for you and I don\''''t need deposit. The apartnt will be near to your university. 我可以找到符合你条件的公寓,不要押金,离你的大学还近。