第 16 章(2 / 5)
ki are cheerful, playful, and sturdy dos, with a happy and lovin disposition. 俄罗斯培育的比熊犬是一种快乐顽皮而又强健的狗狗,性格乐观又善良。 b)Mission accolished, we saddled(马鞍) up and plodded back to ca on the sturdy, steady horses we had picked up in June Lake. 完成任务后,我们骑着在六月湖租的稳健的马慢慢返回营地。 07【ta】 Adj./V.驯服的,抑制,无精打采的 a)Ta ans to establish ties. 驯服意味着制造牵绊。(《小王子》) b)This world is the world of wild stor kept ta with the sic of beauty. 这世界乃是为美之音乐所驯服了的狂风骤雨的世界。(《飞鸟集》195) 08【affliction】 N.苦恼,折磨 a)Affliction is enaured of thy parts, and thou art wedded to calaty. 你真是灾祸连连,跟不幸结了孽缘。(《罗密欧与朱丽叶》) b)Guilt is a powerful affliction. You can try to turn your back on it , but that\''''s when it sneaks(偷偷做) up behind you and eats you alive. 愧疚是一种折磨人心的东西,你可以试着假装它不存在,但同时它也在不知不觉中啃噬着你的生命。 09【interity】 N.正直,诚实,完整 a)Our interity sells for so little, but it is all we really have. 我们的尊严不值钱,却是我们唯一真正拥有的东西。 b)Maintainin cultural diversity and interity is possible as a healthy counity builds on teaork, praise, pride and enthusias 对于一个建立在合作、奖励、自豪和热情基础上的健康集体而言,保持文化的差异与完整是可能的。 10【rvel】 N./V.惊奇,奇迹 a)Whoever does not know it and can no loner wonder, no loner rvel, is as ood as dead, and his eyes are died. 任何一个不懂得这点也不再会对此感到神奇、为之惊叹的人,就如行尸走肉一般,他的眼睛将毫无神采可言。 b)To see the sea, you said take to see the sea, but, in every ti I for sea rvel, you\''''re not here with . 去看海,你曾说带我去看海,可是,在我每一次为海惊叹的时候,你都不在我身边。 11【conde】 V.谴责,定罪,声讨 a)I wonder how anyone can have the face to conde others when he reflects upon his own thouhts. 我真奇怪一个人在对自己的思想进行检讨后怎么还能有脸去谴责别人。 b)Not to educate the child is to conde hito repetitious inorance. 教育孩子不是谴责他不断的无知。 12【sanction】 N./V.批准,同意,支持 ↑返回顶部↑