第 16 章(1 / 5)
作者有话要说:如今读句子越来越快啦,准备第一次改版: 1.单词20个暂时不变。 2.短语30个不带例句。
2023.07.13 * 01【patent】 N./V./Adj.专利 a)Durin the depression, Carlson snaed a job as a patent analyst. 大萧条时期,卡尔森好不容易找到了一份专利研究员的工作。 b)Sa idea Marconi used for his patent several years later. 同样的构想马可尼在几年后就用到了自己的发明上。(《遗愿清单》) 02【rash】 N./Adj.爆发,鲁莽的,性急的 a)She had been exposed so lon in the sun that she broke out in a rash. 她在阳光下曝晒太久以致皮肤过敏了。 b)If I follow you correctly, then you think a rash decision often affects education and career? 如果我没有领会错的话,那么您认为一个草率的决定常常影响到教育与事业? 03【coound】 V./N./Adj.化合物,混合物,合成的,和解妥协 a)Maybe you\''''re not lookin at a reaction, but you\''''ve ot so new coound, and you\''''re lookin at it o froliquid to solid or to as. 也许你研究的不是一个反应,但你得到了一种新的化合物,你看着它从液体变成了固体或气体。 b)Ants can swar成群移动) over a field and find the choicest food in it as if the swarwere a lare coound eye. 蚂蚁能成群结队地穿过田野,并在田野找到上选食物,蚁群仿佛就是一只巨大的复眼。 04【rin】 N./V.露齿笑,咧嘴笑 a)”Please, why does your cat rin like that?” Alice asked the Duchess. “请问,你的猫为什么这样咧嘴笑?”爱丽丝问公爵夫人。(《爱丽丝漫游仙境》) b)\"I have plenty of ti to exercise, but I\''''too lazy, \" he said with a sheepish(难为情的) rin at a Japanese fast food joint. “我有很多时间用来运动,但是我太懒了,”在一家日式快餐连锁店他腼腆地说。 05【prodiious】 Adj.惊人的,巨大的 a)No one could doubt his rit or cal even if he owed so of his steadiness to a prodiious consution of ciarettes. 没有人可以质疑他的胆识远见和冷静沉著,虽然他有部份的稳健来自于他庞大的酗烟量。 b)Mozart was born in Salzbur into a sical faly and showed indications of prodiious abilities at a very youn ae. 莫扎特生于奥地利萨尔斯堡的一个音乐家庭,很小就开始展露其非凡的音乐天赋。 06【sturdy】 Adj.健全的,强壮的,坚固的,精力充沛的 a)The Russian bred Bolon ↑返回顶部↑