第 11 章(2 / 5)
dyin of restlessness. While it is true that periods of weariness help the Spirit to row, the proloned, onoin state of fatiue to which our world see to be rapidly adaptin is ultitely soul destroyin as well as earth destroyin. 我觉得整个世界因疲倦而变得病态,因焦躁而逐渐枯竭。事实上,度过疲倦的低落期便会迎来精神的焕发。然而,我们的世界似乎适应疲惫很快,可那长久,持续的疲惫之态终是心灵的崩塌,是地球的毁灭。(艾玛沃森读《迈克·罗尼格书信》) b)Many fears are born of fatiue and loneliness. 许多恐惧源于乏力和孤独。(抖森读Max Ehrnn的《Desiderata》,拉丁语“迫切渴望得到之物”,此诗巴尔的摩圣保罗教堂的墓地中) 08【virtuous】 Adj.正直的,高尚的 a)The idea of the virtuous ruler, of filial(孝顺的) piety(虔诚), of ritual and cereny as the lue that bound society toether and the overrulin power of education. 道德统.治.者、孝道、礼仪、礼仪的理念,是凝聚社会的粘合剂,也是教育的主导力量。 b)I do not know if she was virtuous, but she is uly, and with a won that is half the battle. 我不知道她以往是否守贞,但她容貌丑陋,对于一个女人来说,这等于大势已定了。(有意思,可惜没查到出处) 09【conspicuous】 Adj.显著的 a)Cultural construction in lobalization context is conspicuous and tends to open to the outside world in different dinsions. 全.球.化语境中的文化建构备受瞩目,且呈多元化趋势。 b)The inter influence between Hn lanuae and Chinese is conspicuous as a result of the lon ti contacts between the two ethnic roups. 由于苗族和汉族长期接触和交往,苗语和汉语之间的相互影响十分明显。 10【accolish】 V.完成,做到 a)If you have enouh love and courae, you can accolish anythin. 如果你有足够的勇气你可以做到任何事。 b)A true chaion can accolish thins a norl person would consider iossible. 真正的冠军可以做到常人认为不可能的事。 11【tribute】 N.礼物,致敬,贡品 a)Once exclusively enjoyed by eerors, now widely savored by the sses. What is the secret of Tribute Rice’s lonevity? 昔日皇帝膳,今朝百姓享。贡米千古流芳的秘诀是什么呢? b)The park pays tribute to Moscow’s unbreakable spirit. 这座公园是为纪念莫斯科不屈不挠的精神而建。 12【procure】 V.获得,取得 a)Yet rowth still proved elusive(难以理解的). It took