第 11 章(1 / 5)
2023.07.08 * 01【array】 N.排 a)This peculiar natural environnt coined with diverse array of cultures has de evrythin about this place seeextraodinary. 特别的自然环境和多样的文化氛围让这里的一切都显得与众不同。 b)It requires a colex array of different therapies. 这需要一系列复杂的疗法。 02【pine】 N.松树,凤梨 Adj.松木的 V.哀悼,渴望,憔悴,痛苦 a)I pine for the countryside. 我渴望乡下生活。 b)So pitch pine or narled(扭曲疙瘩的) oak occupies what was the chiey nook(僻静处,幽静角落), and a sweet-scented black birch(白桦树), perhaps, waves where the door-stone was. 烟囱那个僻静角落如今被油松或盘虬的橡树占去了,原来曾是门槛的地方,也许还摇曳着一株馥郁的黑桦树。 03【apprehension】 N.理解,恐惧,逮捕 a)An air of untirin, innate(天生的) watchfulness and apprehension of daner seed to be blended(混合) even with their sluers(睡眠). 四周弥漫着一种对危险永不松懈的警觉气氛;这种警觉性是本能的,即使在梦中他们也保持着。 b)Then one beca like st ddle-aed people, cautious, furtive(偷摸鬼祟的), with wrinkles between the eyes and a look of perpetual apprehension. 然后人就会变得如中年人般,谨慎、鬼祟、双眼间有皱纹,永远看起来忧愁不已。 04【hideous】 Adj.可怕的,丑陋的 a)She transford hiinto a hideous beast. 她将他变成一头丑陋的野兽。(《美女与野兽》) b)They’re hideous to look at. 他们长得很难看。(《沉睡魔咒》) 05【ierial】 N.纸张尺寸,特等品 Adj.帝国的,皇帝的,至高无上的,威严的 a)The ierial palace is the center of the city’s syetrical(匀称的) layout. 城市以故宫为中心对称建造。 b)The Suer Palace, a rand ierial arden, is a typical Chinese yuan lin. 颐和园气势宏伟,是中国园林的典型。(惊觉上次见the Suer Palace还是小学…) 06【barain】 N.便宜货,交易 V.讨价还价 a)I always o barain huntin in sll rkets. 我总是去小市场讨价还价。 b)I delivered the Duke and his faly the barain to the letter. And what was I to do for you? 我严格遵守了公爵和他家人的条件。我能为你做些什么?(《沙丘》) 07【fatiue】 N./V./Adj.疲劳 a)I believe the world is sick with exhaustion and