第 9 章(4 / 5)
只要我在,厄特加德,一定会成为一座坚不可摧的堡垒。 )Findin a path of developnt that is in harny with nature is an inevitable choice for the sustainable developnt of hun civilization. 寻找一条与自然和谐相处的发展道路,是人.类.文.明可.持.续.发.展的必然选择。(哈哈没字幕听写下来的,我听力进步了!耶!) 18【jest】 N./V.开玩笑,俏皮话 a)And tell the Dauphin(N.法国皇太子) his jest will savour(V.使有风味) but of shallow wit. 去告诉太子,他这玩笑愚不可及。 b)Daydrean toether can be a very rontic and etional experience, whether it is fully in jest or in a deree of serious contelation(沉思). 一起做白日梦可以成为一种很浪漫和感性的体验,无论它是完全在开玩笑或是一定程度上的冥想。 19【cunnin】 N./Adj.狡猾,奸诈 a)What a cunnin Sun Monkey! 好你个猴精孙行者啊!(还是《西游记夺:宝莲花洞》) b)The cunnin fox was forced to be content lickin the reins of what ran down the side of the vessel. 狡猾的狐狸只能不断地舔一些留在壶边的肉渣。(《伊索寓言:狐狸与鹤》) 20【repose】 N./V.休息,静止,安眠 a)Tell , Moon, thou pale and ray/ Pilriof Heaven’s holess way/ In what depth of niht or day/ Seekest thou repose now? 告诉我,月亮,你苍白而阴郁/在天空的路途中漂泊羁旅/你在昼或夜的哪个深处/寻觅着安宁?(雪莱《世间的流浪者The World\''''s Wanderers》) b)As sweet repose and rest, co to thy heart. 但愿恬静的安息同样降临到我的心间。 **** **** **** 01【a as uzzler】 非常耗油的车 [例句] Bi cars tend to be as uzzlers. Sll cars are re fuel-efficient. 大型汽车一般都是油老虎,而小型车通常更为省油。 02【reckless drivin】 不考虑后果的驾驶行为 [例句] He was found uilty of reckless drivin, fined heavily and disqualified frodrivin for three nths. 他被判为恶意驾驶,并被重金罚款同时吊销驾照三个月。 03【drunk drivin】 酒后驾车 [例句] Drunk drivin y cause bodily haror death and thus should be leally prohibited. 酒后驾车可能导致人身伤害甚至死亡,因此必须依法禁止。 04【twists and turns】 局面或行动计划复杂曲折的 [例句] It was difficult to fiure put the twists and turns in the plo