第 9 章(3 / 5)
now. 谁还会赞赏野玫瑰的美丽?她那残枝败叶不过招人冷嘲热讽而已。(艾米莉勃朗特《爱情与友谊》) b)However the randiloquent(浮夸大言不惭的) nd y scorn such poverty 然而,浮言虚论的思维谅必予之轻视如此的贫穷。(西尔维娅·普拉斯《十一月的墓园Noveer Graveyard》) 13【exquisite】 N./Adj.精致的,讲究的人 a)Its exquisite cast and pure sound revealed the hih level of ancient Chinese civilization and wisdo 它的铸造之精美,音质之纯正,体现了中.国古人的智慧和文明。(《你好中.国:编钟》) b)The Great Wall is faus for its exquisite desin, nificent outline and lon history. 长城以其精美的设计、宏伟的轮廓和悠久的历史闻名。 14【stiff】 Adj./Adv.僵直的(地),严厉的,彻底的(地) N.死.尸,令人讨厌的人 V.诈骗 a)While the water is very still when nothin is happenin, a stiff breeze create so serious waves. 当无事发生时,水面波澜不惊,但任何细微的动静都会引发壮观的海浪。 b)Then it was over: that which you fear, bein a soul and unable/ to speak, endin abruptly, the stiff earth/ bendin a little. And what I took to be birds dartin in low shrubs. 然后终结:令你恐惧,成为/一个灵魂,无法/言语,仓猝结束,坚实的土地/微微倾斜。而我带走的,将化作/鸟儿跳跃在低矮的灌木丛。(露易丝·格丽克《野鸢尾》) 15【viorous】 Adj.精力充沛的 a)Yorkshire Terrier is both viorous and eneretic, and your typical delicate toy dos breed. 约克夏?既充满活力四射又精力充沛,不失为一种典型的娇小玩具犬。 b)Well, it see to , sir, that your hero’s very viorous feelins caused hiand everyone connected with hia reat deal of trouble. 在我看来,先生,正是主人公的情感太过强烈,所以常常给自己和身边的人惹来许多麻烦。(《成为简奥斯汀》) 16【proprietary】 N./Adj.所有权,所有的,专利的,私人的 a)Protect eloyee’s personal infortion, coany or coetitors’ proprietary infortion as if it were your own. 请像保护自己信息一样,去保护员工个人信息、公司或竞争对手的私人信息。 b)When she spotted hiin the crowd, she was surprised by how lad she was to see hi A war proprietary feelin blood inside her. 当她在人群中瞥见他时,一种温暖而体贴的感觉在她心里萌生,这出乎了她自己的意料。 17【inevitable】 Adj.不可避免的 a)While I aaround, Utard, is inevitable and will beco an irenable(固若金汤的) castle.