第 17 章(3 / 5)
r> N.庄严,肃穆 a)The stillness, the soleity that brooded(孵,焦虑) in the woods, and the sense of loneliness, bean to tell upon the spirits of the boys. 周遭的寂静、森林中的肃穆以及孤独感,慢慢地对这几个孩子的情绪发生了作用。 b)Pop sic can be excitin, but classical sic can convey re with its soleity, eleance, harny and aninfulness . 流行音乐可能是激动人心的,但古典音乐能够展现和传递更为深刻的东西——庄严、高雅、和谐和丰富的含义。 14【resin】 V./N.辞职,放弃 a)I resin with relief. 我输得心服口服。(《后翼弃兵》) b)You need to resin yourself to the awkwardness of life. 你得接受人生的坎坷。(《爱在黎明破晓前》) 15【iniquity】 N.邪恶,不公正 a)Nature\''''s rcy adnishes(V.告诫) hunity\''''s unnatural cruelty: only a racle of kindness can restore the ialance created by hun iniquity. 大自然的仁慈谴责了人类违反自然的残忍:只有仁慈的魔力才能恢复人类邪恶所造成的失衡。 b)He reards the city as a place where all forof iniquity is practised. 他认为该城是万恶丛集的渊薮。 16【rouse】 V./N.唤醒,觉醒 a)Mornin liht, leafy Sunday, the sun cos pourin in. I rouse froyou a wakin sle, so day can bein. 周日,晨曦,叶茂,倾泄入屋。伴着你的微笑起身,开始了新的一天。 b)So sins of daner abound(V.大量存在), but like the proverbial(众所周知的谚语的) slow-boilin fro, we seeunable to rouse ourselves. 危险迹象大量存在,但如同著名的温水煮青蛙效应,我们似乎不能警醒我们自己。 17【devout】 Adj.虔诚的 a)Rich in the Wall ends of the earth to the sky, and the devout do not know how the nd of the words to describe. 浓郁的情思向天涯海角而去,虔诚的心境不知用怎样的文字来描述。 b)Meanwhile, as the whale is to help thetide over the sea, they have a riht whale devout reverence, sacrosanct. 同时,因为是鲸鱼帮他们渡过大海,所以他们对鲸鱼有着虔诚的敬畏,奉若神明 18【industrious】 Adj.勤勉的 a)Youth is a drea flyin above the playin. Run aainst the wind, the industrious sweat kes you to pursue steps. 青春是一种梦想,梦想在赛场上飞翔。迎风奔跑,辛勤的汗水化做你追求得脚步。 b)My ther had been a very hard workin, industrious and thrifty won with stron