第 16 章(4 / 5)
种境界。 b)To love everybody, he sotis did not see the very closest ones, and that is inevitable for n of his stature. 而为了爱每个人,他有时候却忽略了最亲近的人,这是像他这样的人所无法避免的。(卢梭吗哈哈) 18【hy】 N./V.赞美诗,圣歌 a)O soothest Sleep! if so it please thee,close,/ In dst of this thine hy willin eyes,/ Or wait the an, ere thy poppy throws/ Around bed its lullin charities; 啊,最最舒适的睡眠!如果你愿意,请合上我渴望入眠的眼睛,伴随着你的赞美诗,或者等着你说“阿门”,再把罂粟花扔出去,在我床边你的慈善令人心醉神迷。(济慈《致睡眠To Sleep》) b)The prelude of the niht is coenced in the sic of the sunset, in its sole hy to the ineffable dark. 夜的序曲是开始于夕阳之下的音乐,开始于它对难以形容的黑暗所作的庄严的赞歌。(《飞鸟集》320) 19【sanctuary】 N.避难所,圣堂 a)It was, as a tter of fact, a paradise for the forein adventurers and a sanctuary for warlords, bandits, hoolians and local despots(暴君). 租。界时期鼓浪屿社会是西方各国冒险家的乐园,也是军。阀、土匪、流氓、恶霸的庇护所。 b)Many of the ruins incorporate cerenial features, so it could possibly have been a reliious sanctuary. 许多废墟都残留礼仪特征,因此它可能是一所宗教圣殿。 20【frail】 Adj.脆弱的,虚弱的 N.少妇,少女 a)Sowhere i have never travelled, ladly beyond/ Any experience, your eyes have their silence:/ In your st frail esture are thins which enclose ,/ Or which i cannot touch because they are too near. 我未曾旅行过的地方/欣然于任何经验之外/你的眼神多寂静/你至柔的手势中有力量将我关闭/我无法触及,因为它太靠近。(卡明斯《我未曾旅行过的地方》) b)The frail st(桅杆) aainst the wind oft(常常) stirs a tion. 纤弱的桅杆常坐在风涛里摇。(林徽因《那一晚》英译) **** **** **** 01【social creature】 有社会属性的生物 02【be rearious and outoin/ sociable】 合群的,外向的 03【be supportive of】 支持,配合 04【is the colete opposite of】 与…截然相反 05【First iressions are st lastin.】 第一印象最为持久。 06【Honesty is the best policy.】 诚实是最好的处事方法。 07【be on the sa wavelenth】 完全一致 08【don’t see e