第 14 章(1 / 5)
2023.07.11 * 01【hoe】 N.致敬,效忠 a)She said sly, knowin perfectly well that he, alon with everybody else, did hoe not to her but to her ney. 她得意地说:心里很清楚无论是他还是别人,他们都不是向她表示敬意而是为了她的钱。 b)She seed to unfold like a stron white lily under this enial breath of adration and hoe . 她似乎在这赞赏和尊敬的真诚氛围之中象一朵白色的百合那样猛烈地开放了。 02【flush】 V./N./Adj.脸红,奔流,冲刷,涌出,丰富的 a)Can you flush the toilet? 你能冲马桶吗? b)The red rose whispers of passion,/ And the white rose breathes of love;/ O, the red rose is a falcon,/ And the white rose is a dove.// But I send you a creawhite rosebud/ With a flush on its petal tips;/ For the love that is purest and sweetest/ Has a kiss of desire on the lips. 红玫瑰在我耳畔低诉情意热烈/ 彼端白玫瑰让我置身爱的氛围/ 哦 那红玫瑰就像猎鹰直击我心/ 白玫瑰却好似白鸽温柔闲逸/ 可我还是决定赠你一枝乳白色的含苞玫瑰花/ 花瓣边缘一丝绯红// 这才是我对你最纯洁最甜蜜的爱啊/ 渴望吻你却终了借花儿表达情意(约翰·博伊尔·奥莱利《A White Rose》) 03【tyrant】 N.暴君 a)I know what a tyrant his father could be. 我知道一个残酷的父亲是怎样的。(《梅尔罗斯》) b)A tyrant rules only throuh terror. 暴君只会通过恐惧治.国。 04【blast】 N./V.爆炸,损害,一阵 a)A wintry blast is brinin cold air down and duin up to a foot of snow on so parts of the reion. 寒流带来了冷空气,并给部分地区带来一英尺的降雪。 b)We had such a blast kin this record for you uys and can\''''t wait to see you out on the road this suer and fall. 我们在这张唱片里投入了大量的激情,我们也等不及在这个夏天和秋天在巡演路上和你们见面。 05【arnt】 N./V.衣服,外表 a)Each arnt was inspected before leavin the factory. 每件衣服在出厂前都经过了仔细检查。 b)The arnt was pouched above the belt. 衣服腰带以上的部分宽大蓬松。 06【wholeso】 Adj.健全的,有益健康的,审慎的 a)It is a delicious and wholeso traditional snack coonly seen in stores and on streets. 糖葫芦(Tanhulu)是种非常美味又健康的传统小吃,大街小巷随处可见。 b)The roundness of the full on expresses people’s desi