第 12 章(2 / 5)
delicacy. There\''''s no need to kiss it repeatedly with your precious lip. 他说,爱情犹如这绽放的铅玫瑰,是搀了毒的美味,没有必要用珍贵的生命之唇去反复亲吻。 08【contrived】 Adj.人为的,不自然的 a)And she took such a taste for this solitary ralin that she often contrived to rein out frobreakfast till tea. 她是那样地喜欢自己游荡,以至于经常在吃完早饭到喝茶这段时间设法在外面留连。(《呼啸山庄》) b)Maybe soone see this section would say I\''''borin, but the cut contrived to self: excuse this watch is not for you. 也许有人看到这一段话会说我是个无聊且做作的人,但是对不起这个是写给我自己看的不是给你看的。 09【worldly】 Adj.世俗的,世故的,尘世的 a)For worldly thins will fade away as seasons co and o, but the treasure of true friendship will never lose its low. 世俗的事会随着季节的变迁而逐渐消逝,但是真正的友谊会被永远珍藏而不褪色。(《小叮当》) b)Now do you see it? Do you see the aninlessness of strivin for worldly thins? 现在你看到了吧,为世俗的事情争斗是多么无意义。 10【triflin】 Adj.微不足道的,轻浮的 V.浪费,闲聊 a)After all, Life is usual, or even triflin , not very alike a poeand a picture, sotis, it see to be the plain essays one by one. 生活毕竟是平常甚或是琐碎的,没有那么多的诗情画意,有时候倒觉得像一篇篇朴素的随笔。 b)”I reret the triflin narrow contracted education of the feles of own country. 我对于自己国.家给予女性的微不足道的、狭隘的、有限的教育表示遗憾。(阿比盖尔·亚当斯,美.国建.国早期政.治.家,第2任总.统约翰的夫人,第6任总.统约翰·昆西的母亲。)。 11【accord】 N.协议 V.给予,使符合 a)And what surprised thethe st was that when a dish beca ety, a full one instantly took its place of its own accord. 最让他们惊奇的是每当一碗吃完时,立刻就会有一只盛得满满的碗自动替换空碗。(在哪里?) b)Today, however, I have co to realize that I did not rely fall into dicine -- I fell in love with the profession on own accord. 然而今天,我逐渐意识到我不仅仅沉迷于医学--我很情愿的爱上了这个行业。 12【elaborate】 V./Adj.精心制作,详细阐述 a)Drea are a universal lanuae, creatin often elaborate ies out of etional concepts. 梦是一种通用的语言,经常根据情感概念创造出复杂详尽的图像。 b)The world is just an elaborate tapest