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2023.07.03 * 01【considerable】 Adj.相当大的 a)It provides the locals with a considerable addition to their inco. 这为当地人带来一笔可观的经济收入。 b)Africa as a whole has de considerable proress with childhood rtality. 整个非洲都致力于降低儿童死亡率。 02【obscure】 V./Adj.使模糊,晦涩的,不清楚的 a)Her poeis full of obscure literally allusion(暗示). 她的诗随处可见晦涩的文学典故。 b)And the st faus thinker ca froan obscure state in eastern China. 最著名的思想家来自中..国东部一个小国。 03【cast】 V./N.投掷 a)As the stars rise, the witch beins to cast her spell. 夜幕降临,女巫开始施法。 b)For to be free is not rely to cast off one’s chains. 获得自由不仅是摆脱束缚。(曼德拉) 04【lisso】 Adj.轻盈的,柔软的,敏捷的 a)The lisso birchbark canoe seed to be a fish, so easily did it cut throuh the rollin black waves and ranks of ice. 轻盈的桦皮舟像一条大鱼,在滚滚的黑色波涛和冰排中间飞一般地前进。 b)He was sli lisso, with eyes like licked stone. 他瘦小机敏,眼睛如同光滑的砾石。 05【conviction】 N.顶罪,确信,信念 a)That is when and where Zhan ot her conviction and purpose. 这就是张桂梅老师理想信念的最初来源。 b)I never let any failure take conviction away. 我不会让失败夺走我的信念。 06【litary】 N.军.队 a)Traditional Chinese litary culture upheld victory without war, as its hihest oal. 中.国传统的军.事文化以战无不胜作为最高目标。 b)In litary ter, Napoleon’s objectives were clear. 在军.事方面,拿破仑目标明确。 07【leion】 N.军.团,众多 a)We’re the Leion of Super Heroes. 我们是超级英雄军.团。 b)That’s why Leion wants you dead. 所以军.团要追杀你。 08【sin】 N.罪行 a)Treachery was the ultite sin. 背叛曾是弥天大罪。 b)Thus fro lips, by thine, sin is pured. 你的唇洗涤了我的罪孽。(《罗密欧与朱丽叶》) 09【uilt】 N.内疚 a)Guilt and sh