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两帮对立的球迷相互高声辱骂。 b)I shouted abuse at the I’not proud of it, but that’s what I did. 我对着他们咆哮,我现在一点都不觉得骄傲。(《钢琴家》) 10【delue】 N/V.洪水,(使)泛滥,暴雨 a)There was a delue of requests for interview and statents. 对接受访谈和发表声明的要求铺天盖地地涌来。 b)A hue delue drenches the salt pan. 一场大暴雨淋透了这片盐田。 11【pessistic】 Adj.悲观主义的 a)I really loved hibut was pessistic about our chances for success. 我真的很喜欢他,但我对我们的感情修成正果的几率却持悲观态度。 b)I think you’re bein far too pessistic. 我觉得你过于悲观了。 12【usurp】 V.篡夺,篡位,侵占,夺取 a)General Morando is tryin to usurp the throne. 莫兰多将军想要篡位。 b)Usurp your property? Burn it to the round? 侵占你们的财产?将其烧为平地? 13【elicit】 V.引出,得到 a)These differences y elicit different brain responses. 这些差异可能会引起不同的大脑反应。 b)It also ets to the heart of one of life’s reatest, saddest truths: that our “rable” occasions y elicit the fewest ries. 它也触及了生命中最伟大、最悲哀的事实之一:我们最“难忘”的场合可能会勾起最少的记忆。 14【tacit】 Adj.心照不宣的,静默的 a)By tacit areent, the subject was never ntioned aain. 根据达成的默契,这个话题从未再提起过。 b)But tacit collusion y still be beyond the 但默契结盟还不止这些。 15【orient】 N/V.东方,亚洲,标定方向,使向东方 a)It used to be a coercial hub connectin the west and orient durin its prosperous period. 在它最繁荣的时期是东西方贸易枢纽。 b)The buildin is oriented south and north. 这座建筑坐北朝南。 16【sedentary】 Adj.久坐不动的 a)Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle has been linked with an increased risk of heart diseases. 肥胖和久坐的生活方式被认为会增加患心脏病的几率。 b)For all its terial advantaes, the sedentary life has left us edy, unfulfilled. 虽然有种种物质上的优势,但是定居生活仍然使我们感到不安和不满足。 17【coarse】 Adj.粗糙的,粗俗的 a)Bu