第61章 联手?(2 / 2)
year or two, they will die prematurely!”兽医看着手术台上的两头雄狮,严肃的对着Jason说道。(两头雄狮全身多处骨折,最主要的伤势是内脏都有不同程度的损伤,如果不静养一两年,它们会提前死亡!)
“You don't need to worry, there is another way. I will fix their fracture area, and as for internal injuries, I can help them clean their internal cavity. As long as you add some "seasoning" to their food, they won't feel pain, and even more fierce than now. But at most two years, they will die!”兽医推了推口罩上的眼镜,对着Jason提醒道。(你不必烦恼,还有一种方法,我会固定好它们的骨折的地方,,至于内伤,我可以帮它们把内腔清理干净,只要你在它们的食物上整些“佐料”,它们就不会感觉到痛苦,甚至会比现在更凶猛,但最多两年,它们就会死去!)
“Just do as you say. You're not young with me, but your assistant You understand what I mean。”jason靠向兽医的耳边,小声说道。(就按你说的办,你跟了我不少年,但你的助手......你明白我的意思!)
“If you keep being so smart, the boss won't treat you unfairly”洁告诫了已到家门口的兽医,便朝着另一个目的地,驱车离去。(如果你能一直这么聪明的话,老大不会亏待你!)